Forfatter: Mike Jensen

  • At bygge sin egen applikation

    At bygge sin egen applikation

    Som udviklere er vi ekstremt heldige. Ikke som i at alt hvad vi skal bruge altid lander i vores skød, eller at købe et skrabelod er en sikker gevinst. Nej, mere i form af vores evner, og hvad de betyder for os.For som udvikler er vi mindre begrænsede.Står man og mangler en app, hvor man…

  • Will AI be the death of developers?

    Will AI be the death of developers?

    There’s a lot of talk these days about AI, especially since the release of OpenAI’s chatGPT. As a result, many are wondering whether AI will replace developers, as chatGPT and AutoGPT have been shown to create functional code from requirements. As someone who has been using chatGPT and GitHub’s CoPilot in my work, I can…

  • Sikkerhedsmæssige bedste praksis

    Sikkerhedsmæssige bedste praksis

    Sikkerhedsmæssige bedste praksis er en vigtig del af enhver applikations udviklingsproces. Det er essentielt at tage hensyn til sikkerhed fra starten af, for at undgå alvorlige problemer senere i udviklingsprocessen og efter udgivelsen af applikationen. Udviklere bør have en grundlæggende forståelse af de bedste praksis for sikkerhed for at kunne skabe sikker software, der beskytter…

  • Sikkerhed i Software Udvikling

    Sikkerhed i Software Udvikling

    Sikkerhed i softwareudvikling handler om at forstå de potentielle trusler og risici, og implementere de nødvendige foranstaltninger for at beskytte applikationen og data mod uautoriseret adgang og angreb

  • New at work

    New at work

    After almost six years at Nuuday, I’ve made the move. As a developer, you get contacted a lot on open positions. Most of the time, I just pass in a polite manner. But every now and then, I accept to talk to the recruiter, to see what they have to offer. Back in late November,…

  • Why we’ve gone away from Scrum

    Why we’ve gone away from Scrum

    Scrum is, and has been for many years, thé way to go, when working with software. It’s even been so fully accepted that some companies are trying a full rollout with the so-called “Agile Enterprise”. But in our small team of 9 of the best people, Nuuday has to offer, we’ve taken a different path.…

  • This made our Hybridwork team work

    This made our Hybridwork team work

    Covid was a bad period for most of us, but something good did come out of it. Most of us discovered that it isn’t need for us to be in the office five days a week, to do our job. We can either work fulltime remote, or do the vastly popular Hybridwork, where we have…

  • Welcome to The Binary Chronicles

    Welcome to The Binary Chronicles

    Why “The Binary Chronicles”? The boring answer is that it had to be named something, right? The longer, and hopefully a bit more interesting, answer is that I hope to use this blog to bring stuff I’ve learned throughout the years in the form of how I’ve learned it. It might end up going in…